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Costa Socials designs business cards for all your digital marketing business needs in Marbella

Endless Possibilities

Endless Possibilities

corporate service

We develop & create digital future.

We firmly believe that successful collaborations are built on a foundation of trust, ambition, transparency, and quality. We prioritize these values in all our partnerships and strive to deliver the highest level of service possible.

service 1

Graphic Design

Collaborate with us to create innovative solutions including logos, flyers, brochures, and more.

We offer comprehensive graphic design services for all types of materials and expressions, including print and digital. Our print services cover everything from posters, packaging, book covers, and brochures, while our digital design services include websites, banners, logos, logotypes, social media images, and digital newsletter templates. Our team translates your desired image and brand identity into attractive and original designs.

The purpose of graphic design is to create outstanding materials that make a lasting impression on your audience. A well-crafted design, such as a corporate identity, logo, or advertising poster, must appeal to the right target audience. A graphic design consists of various elements that must be fully aligned with each other, such as fonts, column widths, color use, and shapes. Our graphic designers not only deliver great designs but also help you think about the visual representation of your company. We assist you in translating your core values into your corporate identity and incorporating your mission statement into your logo. Costa Socials is pleased to offer advice and assistance throughout this process, resulting in long-lasting materials that make an excellent impression for years to come.

At Costa Socials, you can expect specialist knowledge and various disciplines under one roof, as well as tailored advice and a full-service advertising agency that handles both design and printing of materials. We prioritize personal attention and a flexible attitude and strive to provide sharp prices and volume advantages where possible.

We take pride in delivering top-quality work in all aspects of our service. Our team uses the latest software in graphic design to ensure that our designs are up-to-date and cutting-edge. Moreover, we distinguish ourselves by our approach and way of working. We work closely with our clients, asking the right questions, listening carefully, and paying close attention to your target audience, to ensure that the designs we create meet your exact requirements. Our approach ensures spectacular results every time.

service 2


Our agency showcases your brand’s uniqueness with a professionally created brand board that captures every detail beyond just a name.

The basis of branding

At Costa Socials, our marketing professionals work diligently to develop and build brand awareness and reputation for our clients. This involves a combination of design and concept to effectively communicate our clients’ brand messages to their target audience. We use various marketing tools, such as radio and TV commercials, website design, and social media branding to achieve our objectives.

To ensure consistency and maintain brand quality and identity, all marketing tools used by Costa Socials must meet a set of established standards. For example, we ensure that the colors used in our clients’ logos and branding are consistently used in all designs. This helps to prevent confusion among consumers, which can negatively impact the brand’s reputation.

As a marketing agency, Costa Socials understands the importance of achieving branding objectives such as motivating buyers to make a purchase and creating user loyalty. To achieve these objectives, Costa Socials offers the creation of specialized Brand Boards.

The team of skilled designers and brand strategists at Costa Socials work closely with their clients to create custom Brand Boards that accurately reflect their brand’s personality, values, and goals. The Brand Boards consist of a collection of elements such as color palettes, typography, patterns, and imagery that come together to create a cohesive and consistent visual representation of the brand.

One of the primary benefits of having a Brand Board is that it provides a clear and concise visual guideline for all marketing efforts. This includes social media graphics, website design, business cards, flyers, and any other visual element used to promote the brand. The Brand Board ensures that all marketing materials are consistent with the brand’s identity, creating a strong and recognizable brand presence across all platforms.

The Brand Board also helps businesses make strategic decisions about their marketing efforts. By having a clear visual representation of their brand identity, companies can evaluate whether their current marketing efforts align with their brand message and make necessary adjustments to improve brand consistency and recognition.

service 3

Web Design

We create and design professional websites that are easy to maintain, making your online presence stand out.

Are you in need of a new website for your business? Perhaps your current website doesn’t match your brand or you haven’t had a website created yet? A website is an essential element for businesses in today’s digital age – it acts as your online business card and helps to establish your presence in the online world.

At Costa Socials, we specialize in designing and developing professional, custom websites that offer an optimal online user experience. Our team of designers and developers work closely with you to identify your needs and implement them into a website that not only looks great, but also performs well.

We offer complete freedom in design and functionality, ensuring that your website matches your corporate identity and is mobile-friendly through responsive design. Our websites are also well-optimized for Google, ensuring better online findability and increased conversions.

In addition to website design and development, we can also help improve your online findability through SEO-friendly website text writing and technical optimization. Our team is equipped to handle everything from concept to realization, meaning we can create a new website from scratch or give your existing website a much-needed refresh.

Whether you have a clear idea of what you want your website to look like, or need help with the design process, we are here to assist you every step of the way. Choose Costa Socials for a professional, custom website that will help take your business to the next level.

Why choose a website from Costa Socials?

  • We design a professional custom website
  • A user-friendly interface
  • Complete freedom in design and functionality
  • Always matching your wishes and corporate identity
  • Mobile friendly through responsive design
  • Well optimized for Google
service 4

Social Media

Recruit customers effectively with our social media services, including sales funnels, ads, content creation, and account management.

Costa Socials, like any other business, can benefit greatly from a well-executed social media campaign. Social media platforms allow for targeting the right audience and can lead to more followers, increased traffic, and higher turnover over time. However, it is important to approach social media advertising the right way, which involves three critical factors.

Firstly, it is essential to understand your target audience inside out. You should know them better than they know themselves and ensure that they are genuinely interested in your product or service. Secondly, you must advertise on a social media platform actively used by your target audience. Finally, it is important that your marketing message resonates with your target audience. You should describe your solution to their problem in a way that they can fully identify with, using a design and tone-of-voice that aligns with the social media platform you advertise on.

At Costa Socials, we have extensive experience in developing social media marketing strategies and tactics to help you achieve your desired outcomes. We can help you with Facebook campaigns, writing appropriate texts, and creating appealing images and inspiring texts for Facebook and Instagram.

When deciding on which social media platforms to use and what your advertising message should be, it is important to have a social media strategy in place. Without a plan, your marketing campaign will have a tough time standing out among personal confessions, holiday photos, and funny cat videos.

We can help you develop a social media strategy that takes advantage of these platforms to reach your target audience effectively. Our team has experience in setting up campaigns, writing effective advertising copy, and creating visually appealing content. Contact us today to learn more about our social media marketing services.

service 5


Optimize your website for search engines (SEO) to increase online visibility and attract relevant visitors to your site.

The three pillars of SEO include technology, content, and authority. Costa Socials is skilled in all three areas, but particularly excels in technology. The agency starts the SEO process with a comprehensive technical analysis, including optimizing internal link building, meta tags, website security, and core web vitals. They also ensure that the website is responsive and fast loading for both computer and smartphone users. In addition, good content plays an important role in SEO, and Costa Socials helps clients with competitive analysis, content creation, and professional copywriting. Authority is established through external links, and the agency carefully sets up a link-building strategy to optimize the authority of the website. SEO is a continuous process that requires monitoring to maintain success.


Every entrepreneur, big or small, has one central goal with local SEO: generate more leads. Ranking in Google Maps and local organic search is an important part of getting those leads.

Local SEO is the practice of optimizing your website to attract potential customers from local searches. This means that when someone searches for a business or service in their area on Google or other search engines, your website will appear in the results. Local SEO is especially important for small businesses that rely on local customers.

For instance, if you own a business in Marbella and someone searches for “SEO specialist Marbella” or “Online marketing agency Marbella,” your website will appear in the local search results. Even if the city name is not included in the search, Google will show local SEO results from companies in the surrounding area. By optimizing your website for local SEO, you can improve your chances of being found by potential customers in your area.

Google has changed the way it organizes search results, and now focuses more on local search behavior. In the past, national search results were the same for everyone, regardless of location. However, now if someone searches for “SEA outsourcing” in Venlo, the results will be different from those in Maastricht. This shift makes it more important than ever to optimize your website for local SEO. Our team can help you improve your local findability and attract more customers from your area.

service 6

Outdoor Advertising

Maximize your brand exposure with creative and impactful outdoor advertising solutions, strategically placed for maximum visibility and impact.

In addition to our extensive range of online marketing services, we also offer outdoor advertising solutions to help you increase your brand visibility and reach a wider audience.

Vehicle stickers are a particularly effective form of outdoor advertising, as they turn cars, trucks, and other vehicles into mobile billboards. Costa Socials can design and install custom wraps that promote a business’s products or services and ensure that they are eye-catching and attention-grabbing.

Transport advertising is another popular option for businesses looking to increase their visibility. By placing ads on buses, trains, taxis, tubes, trams, and airports, companies can reach a captive audience that is likely to spend a significant amount of time looking at the advertising. Costa Socials can help businesses create ads that are optimized for this type of advertising, ensuring that they are easily readable and visually appealing.

On-site lona banners, flags, billboards, and hoardings are all effective ways to promote a business or product to a local audience. These types of advertising are typically placed in high-traffic areas, such as busy roads or town centers, and can be customized to fit a business’s branding and messaging. Costa Socials can help businesses design and install these types of advertising, ensuring that they are highly visible and attention-grabbing.

Finally, digital displays are becoming an increasingly popular option for outdoor advertising. These displays can take many forms, including LED billboards and interactive touchscreens, and offer businesses the ability to create highly engaging and interactive advertising experiences. Costa Socials can help businesses design and install these displays, ensuring that they are visually stunning and provide an effective way to reach target audiences.

service 7

Photography Services

High-quality photography services for your brand’s visual needs, from product photography to lifestyle shoots.

High-quality visuals are essential in creating engaging content for our clients. That’s why we offer a range of top-notch photography services, catering to diverse needs, such as product photography, lifestyle photography, food photography, and event photography.

Our expert photographers work closely with our clients to understand their brand identity and marketing goals, ensuring that every photo aligns with their vision. For e-commerce businesses, we understand the importance of showcasing products in the best possible light. Therefore, our product photography services use various techniques such as studio lighting, props, and different angles to capture unique features and benefits.

We also offer lifestyle photography, which involves capturing your products or services in real-life situations that align with your brand values. Our skilled photographers can bring your vision to life by creating beautiful scenarios, from location shoots to everyday moments.

Food photography is another area of expertise where we use composition, lighting, and props to make dishes look as delicious and appetizing as possible. Our team of food photographers creates mouth-watering images that will entice your customers to indulge.

For clients hosting events, capturing the right moments is critical to creating a lasting impression on your guests and online audience. Our event photography services focus on highlighting the venue, decorations, guests, and activities to capture the essence of the event, whether it’s a corporate event or a personal celebration.

We believe that high-quality photography is a crucial element of digital marketing. Our photography services are tailored to help clients create visually stunning content that will engage their audience and drive results. Whether you need photos for your website, social media, or other digital platforms, we can help you take your digital marketing to the next level. Contact us today to learn more about our photography services and how we can help you elevate your digital presence.

service 8


Expert copywriting services to craft persuasive content for your website, ads, and other marketing materials, tailored to your target audience.

Great copy is the backbone of any successful marketing campaign. From website copy to social media captions to email newsletters, every piece of content that you put out into the world is an opportunity to connect with your audience and drive conversions. That’s why we offer expert copywriting services to help you create compelling, effective content that resonates with your target market.

Our team of experienced copywriters is skilled at crafting copy that is engaging, informative, and persuasive. We take the time to get to know your brand, your voice, and your unique selling points, so that we can create copy that truly speaks to your audience. Whether you need product descriptions that sell, blog posts that educate, or email campaigns that convert, we’ve got you covered.

One of the biggest challenges of copywriting is finding the right words to convey your message clearly, concise, and effective. Our copywriters are experts at crafting copy that communicates your brand’s value proposition in a way that is easy to understand and compelling to your target audience. We use proven copywriting techniques like the AIDA formula (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) to create content that captures attention, builds interest, inspires desire, and drives action.

In addition to our core copywriting services, we also offer content strategy and planning to help you map out your content marketing strategy and ensure that every piece of content you create supports your overall business goals. We work with you to develop a content calendar, plan out themes and topics, and create a cohesive strategy that will help you achieve your marketing objectives.

Whether you’re looking to improve your website’s search engine rankings, increase engagement on social media, or drive more sales through email marketing, our copywriting services can help you achieve your goals. We’re passionate about helping businesses like yours connect with their target audience and achieve long-term success through effective copywriting and content marketing.

We believe that great copy is more than just words on a page. It’s about creating a connection with your audience, building trust and credibility, and inspiring action. Whether you need copy for your website, social media, email marketing campaigns, or any other marketing channel, we’re here to help you create content that gets results. Contact us today to learn more about our copywriting services and how we can help take your marketing to the next level.